From the day I can remember myself, I had seen my mom getting up early before the sun itself and then trying to wake me up. But up till now all her efforts to get me up before the sun had gone in vain. She had tried each and every tactic but it has all been a failure. But it is not always the same with me, sometimes I do get boosted up by the so called idea of ‘early to rise’ that I woke up at 4:30 am and this lasts for a period of certain days, some weeks and at the maximum it lasted for 1month up till now and again I slipped back to my usual timings. I don’t know why I am not able to stick to my new schedule and slowly & steadily moves back to my own comfort zone but I never stop trying. Sometimes I think that getting up at around 7:30 am is my Basic Instinct J hahaha… and no matter, how hard I plan and follow my new schedule, I basically end up following my BASIC INSTINCT. And the more I give in to my instinct the more anxious and confused it makes me and I again...