My Search For INNER PEACE...

I have not written anything in my blog from almost a month now and this worries me a lot. Not because the audience traffic has gone negative but more because it is a sign that depicts: ‘I am losing my peace of mind’. As writing for me can only be done when this thing called “inner peace” is with me. In fact, a creative work can be brought into existence only by a peaceful mind. A mind full of anxiety and stress can only create disasters. Right??? So, as I was all stressful about losing my “inner peace”, my mind (with its basic instinct to find answers) immediately responded with several options to revive my inner peace. The first option it offered me was to go back in my past moments of happiness. So as a normal human, I listened to my inner thought process, and directly went to a folder in my laptop which is named as “sweet memo”. This folder contains pictures of all the memorable events I had gone through in my life. So I re-visited each and every sweet memory of my p...