Hello friends... Was reading a book named "The Fifth Mountain". Almost completed it, quite a captivating book. But suddenly a sentence in it caught my attention:

"She was free, for Love Liberates"

And this made me to ponder, 'do love really liberates?'. Had gone through different stages in life and experienced a lot, I still feel difficult to comment on this thought. I had always seen love enslaving people rather than liberating. The moment a person become a parent, his love for his child starts enslaving him, giving himself to the demands of his loving child.
The love for his family enslaves a good child to follow the path chosen by them for him and if his free will forces him to break away from his loving family bond, he is no more a loving child of his parents.( and this implies to many things in his life, like the decision for his friends, career, love and even marriage)
A loving wife is always enslaved to the commitments towards her husband, compromising for him at each and every point of her life to make her family a "happy family" otherwise she is not at all a loving and caring wife.
A loving boy friend at the same time is also enslaved by her girlfriend, I know many boys would agree to that at once :-) and if a boy has a loving girlfriend, she is also enslaved to his commands of doing this and not dong that.( and I am again sure that many girls who have gone through a possessive relationship with their guys know it better.)
Then how is all this "LIBERATING".
Or we can say that all this is just mere a perception about LOVE, Which is unknown to us yet. And those who have TRANSCEND the boundaries of this "Perceptive Love" and entered the horizons of "True Love" are actually LIBERATED???
God only knows that or the ones who have actually witnessed this "LL" (LIBERATED LOVE) phenomenon.
Are there any real people who witnessed "LL"? At-least I have not and not even met any of those. But as you know I am a believer, so I am sure to meet such people in future and would like to hear their stories and comments on my blog.:-_



Nina said…
the book that encouraged u to write is written by Paulo coehlo.. a man who truly believes in eleven minutes and ur perception of liberated love will change..
Suraj said…
What actually I have observed and realized after so many years about love is that the existence of True Love can be found in Nature and Nature only......the reason is simple.....that there is a Perfect Harmony among nature and its components......moreover this harmony exist at Highest level...where there is no revenge, no love, no hatred, no fear and no jealousy.......all that is there is simple existence which is devoid of any other can find this type of love in your pets like Dog......who will ask from you food irrespective of any fear or anything because he is hungry at that time and he wants food, simple reason...... he is not ashamed of himself while he is asking for food..........he simply asks........also he would love you unconditionally whether you are rich or poor.....whether you are attractive or not.......whether you are old or young..........and he would express himself in his own way........on the other hand............Human beings are subjected to too many things at a time.......they are actually born in a setup or a pre programmed plan of life....where they have to behave like others......they copy others........they actually dont know who they are.......their existences are time and again changed by their they forgot themselves.........they forgot how to live in their own purest form........and here the problems the sole objective of man become to survive and to do anything for their the question of love, values and any other thing does not arise.........people would kill each other for their survival.............the harmony is lost and a persistent anxiety takes over everything............and this stage calls for brutality and cruelty.....that is the survival at any the man become machine and he would not hear to anything..........moreover people are not so strong at their core level that they could resist wrongs done to them.......they would silently accept what is being done to them and now they become slave to their circumstances...........because their nature has become to accept and accept everything whether right or they lost their true existence and start behaving like demons and devils.......such how people fight with each other...they kill each other...they hate each other....and it is obvious that in such situation there is no place for love in their life................
Seep said…
Thanks for such an inspiring comment... Its so True..that True Love now can only be found in nature.. Its pure, selfless and don't have any opposite... Its infinite... hoping this kind of liberating love still exists in our human species :-)
Suraj said…
No need to say thanks.........infact after so many years, I read an article (your article) which genuinely asks some deep questions from us......and you have very rightly explained the miserable and real situation which is happening in our society nowadays.....and this is really painful.......why people have turned into a cruel demons when the GOD has given us so beautiful life.........Please continue to write your thoughts......they are genuine and quite thoughtful.....Thanks

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