REALIZATION: THE TRUTH that could change your LIFE
So what does "Realization" mean? Literally it means: 'to become conscious or aware of (something)', and when this happens to us, I mean the true realization of something, its impact is of such a high magnitude that we finally figure out the bubble wrap in which we were living before. It is just a simple term if you see but when we come in terms with this simple word in reality, it opens up a whole new dimension to our present life. Though realization of certain things might be painful and astounding yet you may agree with me that its better to realize the shrouded truth of that thing then to make your life a moronic one. Basically there are 3 different types of realizations that we all go through: SIMPLE REALIZATION: These are the most common type of realizations and most of us come in contact of such realizations in our day to day life. Like a simple realization of a fresher in his first job that life is not a piece of cake even after he...