“LOVE”: an overrated crap... isn’t it?

I think my Love is lost.
I searched Him in your eyes,
I searched Him in your touch,
But nowhere He was found,
Neither in your heart, nor in your words.
I thought He must be hiding behind your truthful soul,
But the path to your soul was not open for me anymore.
And now without Love my life is not the same,
As gradually one thing I came to understand:

The “Love” that I lost is an overrated crap,
Whose “fairy tales” & “soulmate sagas” are just here to trap.
And behind these traps, lie an unknown fact,
That “Love” is an eternal soul with feelings intact.
And just as any other soul, it just exists,
And once in touch, it’s hard to resist.
So, this soulful Love is without any form,
And for our human mind it’s beyond the norm.

So here’s a paradox, 
That the  “Love” I lost,  is actually a hoax,
Been fed to me by the minds of all those love defining folks.
Cause “LOVE” can neither be found nor can be lost.
It can just be invoked by a pleasant feeling or a thought.


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